
This is the form side of ~ Te Ara ~, the AgResearch Animal Ethics System.

AgResearch is conscious of its responsibilities and the need for openness and accountability around our research involving animals. ​Research on animals is only undertaken when there are no practical alternatives; if so, we reduce the number of animals used and the impact of the research on them.

CODE OF ETHICAL CONDUCT (see Help/Templates for the Code of Ethical Conduct):

All research using animals must be undertaken under a Code of Ethical Conduct and approved by an AEC.

The operation of the AgResearch AEC is detailed in this Code of Ethical Conduct which is approved by the Ministry for Primary Industries.​


Researchers are required to minimise the ethical cost of animal use by applying the Three R's -replacement, reduction and refinement.​


Access is given to the AgResearch staff using the University Login and Parented Companies using the External Login.

If you require access, please get in touch with animalethicsoffice@agresearch.co.nz 

For further information, please see https://www.agresearch.co.nz/partnering-with-us/products-and-services/animal-ethics-te-ara/

AgResearch Animal Ethics Office Team

Jim Webster, Leader

Vanessa Borman, Coordinator

Sharon Bennie, Administrator

Susan Doohan, Animal Welfare Officer

​​​​​​​Alaina O'Brien, Animal Welfare Officer

Our mission statement:

Provide a collaborative and creative pathway to assist applicants in planning and seeking approval in research, testing or teaching.